The dog was barking, again and again... loudly. It was bothering me...
I was in my bed, all my room was a complete mess. I didn't remember the last night, I have the mouth completely dry. 'I really need a drink' I thought; but I was so so tired, my eyes started to wheigh me. I fell slept.
viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011
Tiny Hope
I looked up and stared out. I could see trhough the windown how the rain fall over hundred of people, who walked fastly, withouth looked further their navels. Creating a row of little grey ants who walked as robots, they didn't lift their heads, they didn't look around them, surrounded by infinite walls of titanic building, as they were in jail. I couldn't avoid a face of disgusting.
I looked away and watched inside the restaurant where I was, at the spot of the table there was a small fine crystal vase, which guarded a beatiful fragile green flower, of a color so intense that glowed in the dark. I smiled.
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011
A truly hidden camera!
Do you think that spy cameras in teddy bears are too obvious?
If the answer is yes, we've got the solution to your problems: an innocent wall wart!

A video camera with an internal DVR that records directly into a micro SD card. The camera activates when detects movement and can record unitl 32 hours on a single micro SD card.
Costs 295$ and includes a 4GB micro SD card. There's another one, a Pro version, that can record continuously 24 hours at the week (yeah, 7 days recording with the time/date at the recording files).
If the answer is yes, we've got the solution to your problems: an innocent wall wart!
A video camera with an internal DVR that records directly into a micro SD card. The camera activates when detects movement and can record unitl 32 hours on a single micro SD card.
Costs 295$ and includes a 4GB micro SD card. There's another one, a Pro version, that can record continuously 24 hours at the week (yeah, 7 days recording with the time/date at the recording files).
martes, 3 de mayo de 2011
Mr Pose up by elevator and went in the hotel's hall. He stared the reception: There were already some guests. The keys in hand, the suitcase on the floor, ready for going off. Mr Posen comes then, sees the shelf under the reception, where the keys hung.
He look at the clock, 8.35, he has enough time yet. He asks for a newspaper and goes to the hotel's restaurant. The breakfast is being served. A buffet, a very good buffet.
He knows that, he has been there more times, once or twice at a month. He knows all the hotels in the city. Everything isn't bad, but he really loves the "Atrium".
Why? Has it a modern design? No, it is completely normal for a 4-stars hotel. The guests are typicals: bussiness men, musicians, tourists, etc. The place is very good too, central, but there are too much hotels here, too much closer...
Probably, the breakfast is awesome. Simply perfect! He loves these rituals. First, he sees a glass of orange and two croissants and secondly he sees a comfortable chair with a green table (his favorite color).
Outside the big intersection, the desolation of a winter morning, the stress, the noise, the bustle. The restless crowd, trough the window of the hotel, so near and yet so so far. And here, this pleasant warm, this wonderful peace. How charming!
Mr Posen bites his croissant. He knows, he is a privileged.
The waitress comes with two jars at her hands.
'Good morning! Coffee?' asks sie smiling
'Yes, please' answered Mr Posen 'With a bit of milk; o.k., thanks!'
He likes the personal of the hotel. He finds the service of the hotel very friendly and affable. Naturally, it is their job. Pure routine, although Mr Posen is thankful. That job isn't easy. Some people behaves badly, just because the fact that they are guests and their companies have payed a lot of money.
Mr Posen continues with his breakfast. Now something salty, he tooks a tasty bread with cheese, then fresh fruit, a yogurt and a bit of muesli. More coffee and more orange juice. Everything with the newspaper. He reads an article and consults the sport results.
The waitress comes again, without jars.
'Excuse me' said sie with a beatiful voice 'The number of her room, please'
Mr Posen closes the newspaper.
'314' he smiles and repeats '314'
He returns to the newspaper and looks to the clock. He hasn't got a lot of time. He look for a tip in his pocket, 2'50€, well, it is a little tip... He put it near to the dish. He left the table, scraping the yogurt.
He returns to the hall of the hotel and exists. There, the sun shines birghtly. He is at the street again and he turns to the hotel. It is a very good hotel, the 'Atrium'... It is his favorite hotel: the breakfast, the personal, the view from the window. The hotel deserves 5 stars. About the room, he can't say anything. He isn't ever there, he hasn't ever slept in these bedrooms. In three, four week that he will come back.
He look at the clock, 8.35, he has enough time yet. He asks for a newspaper and goes to the hotel's restaurant. The breakfast is being served. A buffet, a very good buffet.
He knows that, he has been there more times, once or twice at a month. He knows all the hotels in the city. Everything isn't bad, but he really loves the "Atrium".
Why? Has it a modern design? No, it is completely normal for a 4-stars hotel. The guests are typicals: bussiness men, musicians, tourists, etc. The place is very good too, central, but there are too much hotels here, too much closer...
Probably, the breakfast is awesome. Simply perfect! He loves these rituals. First, he sees a glass of orange and two croissants and secondly he sees a comfortable chair with a green table (his favorite color).
Outside the big intersection, the desolation of a winter morning, the stress, the noise, the bustle. The restless crowd, trough the window of the hotel, so near and yet so so far. And here, this pleasant warm, this wonderful peace. How charming!
Mr Posen bites his croissant. He knows, he is a privileged.
The waitress comes with two jars at her hands.
'Good morning! Coffee?' asks sie smiling
'Yes, please' answered Mr Posen 'With a bit of milk; o.k., thanks!'
He likes the personal of the hotel. He finds the service of the hotel very friendly and affable. Naturally, it is their job. Pure routine, although Mr Posen is thankful. That job isn't easy. Some people behaves badly, just because the fact that they are guests and their companies have payed a lot of money.
Mr Posen continues with his breakfast. Now something salty, he tooks a tasty bread with cheese, then fresh fruit, a yogurt and a bit of muesli. More coffee and more orange juice. Everything with the newspaper. He reads an article and consults the sport results.
The waitress comes again, without jars.
'Excuse me' said sie with a beatiful voice 'The number of her room, please'
Mr Posen closes the newspaper.
'314' he smiles and repeats '314'
He returns to the newspaper and looks to the clock. He hasn't got a lot of time. He look for a tip in his pocket, 2'50€, well, it is a little tip... He put it near to the dish. He left the table, scraping the yogurt.
He returns to the hall of the hotel and exists. There, the sun shines birghtly. He is at the street again and he turns to the hotel. It is a very good hotel, the 'Atrium'... It is his favorite hotel: the breakfast, the personal, the view from the window. The hotel deserves 5 stars. About the room, he can't say anything. He isn't ever there, he hasn't ever slept in these bedrooms. In three, four week that he will come back.
domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011
Chapter Summary
13rd Chapter ‘How the Bikini saved Spain’
This chapter basically is about the beaches and the coastal life in Spain. Giles Tremlett starts writing about the old beaches with white sand and blue sea, but now those beaches doesn’t exist. Nowadays, all these places live thanks to the tourism. Moreover, every restaurant, every shop, even every mortuary have the information in two or three languages: panels, brochures, workers, etc. The coastal places in Spain live practically thanks to the foreigners (germans, brithish, etc) and this evokes political parties of all the sides. There are politics that back to the foreigners, although unfortunately there are some that don’t.
11th Chapter ‘Madness of Verdaguer’ (Chosen one)
This eleventh chapter is about Catalonia, Giles Tremlett writes that this city has something particular but he doesn’t see what is. In fact, Tremlett really finds what have of particular. He founds it on his first visit to Barcelona, the first particular fact of the city is “Paseo de la Gràcia” ( a way in which you can watch the iconic architecture of Gaudí). The second symbol of Barcelona is its football team “F.C. Barcelona”. But, the principal symbol of the city is the language, while Giles started to learn Castilian, all his friends find more important to learn Catalonian.
Chapter Summary
Was there anything in the book that you found offensive? Was there anything you found especially funny or enjoyable? Explain.
The majority of the book is very funny, and that’s something important to make it a good book, if you ask me. Because the author, Giles Tremlett, reflects a lot of defects and problems of Spain, but he makes it in a humorous way.
Despite the fact that some parts of the book are interminably long, there are some that are funny, as for example, the chapter eleven when he fights against children to get some sweets in the Carnival at the Rambla of Barcelona. Or the chapter seven when Giles Tremlett wants to inform himself about the prostitution, and he starts to visit all these pubs and speaks with the prostitutes.
I didn’t find anything that I could considerate offensive. It’s true that there are some things a little bit exaggerated but in general he’s very comprehensive. We have to consider his point of view that in spite of being foreigner, he understands perfectly the Spanish education and culture.
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011
Well, Ian and Violett, the two... are simply perfect! Yes, there's no else. They are everything.
Their hobbys, their interests, are completely identical. Both like travell, both are friendly and both like go to: the cinema, a concert or a restaurant.
He loves Italian food, she too. Both are interested in modern art. She likes Picasso. He too. They are very similar! Simply perfect.
Naturally, there's a little differences. But it doesn't matter. It's absolutely normal.
She loves Woody Allen. He finds him a bit neurotic. And what? He can often watch a Woody Allen film, of course!
He prefers mystery ones. She found it very weird. But she thoughts that kind of films are interesting with intelligents crimes and she enjoys it.
It's everything a question of tolerance. This little differences aren't a problem, unlike, it's a good theme for a discussion, an interesting debate.
Their jobs are similar too: He is teacher of PE so he has always a funny story about the school. She is journalist and meet often with important persons as politicals or sportsmen.
Some differences are even complementary. He is early at home and cooks very well, She cames later and can wash the dishes easily and in few minutes. Howevery, she hates iron, but he makes it funny. It's fantastic, isn't it?
Their hobbys, their interests, are completely identical. Both like travell, both are friendly and both like go to: the cinema, a concert or a restaurant.
He loves Italian food, she too. Both are interested in modern art. She likes Picasso. He too. They are very similar! Simply perfect.
Naturally, there's a little differences. But it doesn't matter. It's absolutely normal.
She loves Woody Allen. He finds him a bit neurotic. And what? He can often watch a Woody Allen film, of course!
He prefers mystery ones. She found it very weird. But she thoughts that kind of films are interesting with intelligents crimes and she enjoys it.
It's everything a question of tolerance. This little differences aren't a problem, unlike, it's a good theme for a discussion, an interesting debate.
Their jobs are similar too: He is teacher of PE so he has always a funny story about the school. She is journalist and meet often with important persons as politicals or sportsmen.
Some differences are even complementary. He is early at home and cooks very well, She cames later and can wash the dishes easily and in few minutes. Howevery, she hates iron, but he makes it funny. It's fantastic, isn't it?
domingo, 17 de abril de 2011
Summary of some chapters of 'Ghosts of Spain' (Giles Tremlett's book)
7th Chapter ‘Clubs and Curas’
This “second” chapter is a completely surprise, because the autor starts talking about the prostitution and his interest in learning more about this theme, Giles Tremlett visits prostitutions clubs, asks a lot of girls who works in this cruel job and does a lot of things to learn more about all this. But, Tremlett doesn’t want to talk about this theme concretely, but Giles Tremlett uses it to talk about the past of Spain, its ghosts: dictatorship. In this point, the author makes a cruel critique about all the problems and the discriminations of everyone who lived there.
8th Chapter ‘Men and Children First’
After living 5 years in Spain, Giles Tremlett thought that he wasn’t to find another aspect of Spanish culture which catches him, but he was wrong. As at the previous chapters, Tremlett starts talking about a theme (in this case about the Spanish woman), however he will focus on other topic: the pregnancy and Spanish childbirth. So, in this “third” chapter, Giles Tremlett will tell us in a very funny way, his problems in the pregnancy classes (he was the only man in the classes and things of that kind) and, over all, his own problems with the childbirth and education.
Assassin at UJI
Murder at UJI
An 18-teenager found a classmate taking up a gun and completely bloodstained and in front of them, their teacher of IT with a shot in her stomach.
The police interrogated the classmate, Character One of nineteen years old, who said that he got a gun and chased the IT teacher Cristina Gomis through the halls of the third floor in the UJI. Character One drew his gun of 30mm and shot two times to her teacher, just one of the shoots reached his target but it was a fatal injury – a huge hole in her stomach. Cristina died at 9.17 of the 6th Monday morning.
Recipe! Chicken with style!
Crunched Poullet avec Vin mossêux.
· 2 Chicken breasts.
· ½ Onion.
· 3 Sweet red peppers.
· 2 Garlic cloves.
· 1 Cup chicken stock.
· ¼ Cup red wine.
· 1 teaspoon sugar
· 3 tsp. oil
· Salt and cumin.
Cut the chicken en two thin slices. Season salt, cumin and garlic. Heat the 3 tbsp. of oil in a pan (9 ½ “ diam.). Add sugar until it coats in caramel. Add red peppers, onion and chicken. Brown the chicken. Cook for 5 minutes. Add chicken stock and wine (put the lid on). Cook for 15 minutes. Makes for 4 servings.
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
Onion Head

Who doesn't watch this little friend at some web page? You cand find at almost everywhere as smiley, as wallpaper, as profil image, etc! It seems that (and maybe it continues being) a trend.
Abu, as known as Onion Head, is the a character that appears in a lot of Japanese mangas (where did you try to find an onion making laughs and a mess, huh?) The procedence of the idea of our little onion buddy still unknown, and the author's ID too. Ethan, the author of this pict, draw himself on his / her own mangas and he / she appears like he /she decided... Well, it's easier look this:

And something more strange is the question (very original) that you can read at the mangas.

But don't think that the Onion Head's world just have two characters, there is another 'Onion Head', but this time will be a woman: Meiya, the girlfriend of Onion Head.

Together they will solve a lot of problems and will live a complicated and funny adventure. However, what makes so popular this onion? In my persona opinion, I think that its al the merchandising and the emoticons, wallpapers too, over all, the funniest is the manga! (I recommended it you). Onion Head have thousands of faces and expressions, and he will make you laugh and surprise many times.
martes, 12 de abril de 2011
This time, I didn't turn up the alarm clock, I didn't open the window in order to the sun's light wake me up. I didn't want to get up... but I couldn't. She came, like everyday, to cheer me up, to mess with me kindly. She reminded me that smiling was worthed and forget any bad thought. I didn't want to stay there and I couldn't. There were too many things to do.
I can't wait forever.
I can't wait forever.
Worksheet of the English Audiobook: 'Trucker' by Terry Pratchett
This is a little information about the book 'Truckers' (the first one of 'The Bromeliad Trilogy' a.k.a. 'The Nome Trilogy' in the UK) by the famous writer Terry Pratchett. This worksheet of my English calss includes a plot summary, the duration, the audiobook company and also other interesting things and my own opinion about listen this audiobook.
Book title : Truckers (first part of ‘The Bromeliad Trilogy’)
Author: Terry Pratchett Publication date (year): 1990
Read by: Steven Brinks
Original book publisher: Collins Smythe
Audiobook publishing company: Isis audiobooks
Duration of audiobook in hours: 5 hours
Format (MP3, CD, other): CD
Number of chapter/section divisions: 6 chapters.
Fiction or Nonfiction? Fiction
If fiction, main characters in book: Masklin, Torrit, Granny Morkie, Gurder, Arnold Family/Brothers, Angelo, Duke Sedo, Dorcas del Icatessen.
Summary of contents (approx 200 words) :
The Nomes, a race of tiny people, live hidden in his world safetly until they discover that ‘The Store’ – all their own world – is going to be destroyed. This will make react to the main character Maklin, who will have to make a plan to save all his partners.
The unique possibility to the nomes is escape to the Outside; a completely unknown world for the store’s nomes to whom the sun, the night and the stars are just fairy tales.
The book starts in a field, where a young nome works hard to sustain his family and the elders. But,
· Why did you choose this particular audiobook?
Because a classmate recommended me and I like the author.
· (Approximate) date on which you began listening to the audiobook:
2nd or 3th of April.
· (Approximate) date on which you finished listening to the audiobook :
Tuesday, 12th of April.
· Do you have a written copy of the book you listened to?
No, I have other books of Terry Pratchett, but no this trilogy concretely.
· If your answer to the previous question is yes, did you use the written copy of the book to follow along as you listened to the audio version?
· If your answer to the previous question is no, did you read the written version prior to listening to the audiobook? No After reading the audiobook? No Not at all? I say no! Really, I haven’t read anything about this book.
· Listening habits. Did you listen to your audiobook very systematically, i.e., one or two complete chapters or sections at a time before stopping the recording, or did you stop the recording at random places without taking chapter/section divisions into consideration?
I shall do it, but sometimes the reader start to shout and try to make the book more attractive making changes at his voice and I think that’s a great idea, however I have often to stop the player and back to pay more attention.
· Where did you listen to your audiobook? (at home/on the train/while out walking, etc.)
At home and at the car.
· Have you consulted a translation (written or recorded) of the audiobook you listened to?
· Did you find it more or less difficult to understand your audiobook than to understand the dialogue in the films you viewed last semester in English? (Please elaborate.)
The audiobooks was easier, because I put on my headphones and pay attention to the reader’s voice – which was very clear and strong, very easy to understand; except for the names of the characters – and when you listen the audiobooks you haven’t the problem of background sounds (shoots, explosions, loud music, etc)
· Did you enjoy the experience of listening to an audiobook? -- Why or why not? – Would you listen to another audiobook of your own free will? In English, or in another language?
I like the experience a lot. Seriously, I thought listen an audiobook was difficult and I was a bit scared… but, for my surprise, it was easy and I could do other things while I was listening the CD so it wasn’t boring. It’s a good choice to learn vocabulary and have fun at the car if you haven’t a good conversation.
jueves, 7 de abril de 2011
Classical music Vs. Crime!
It's said that music soothes the savage beasts, but what would also be possible that with her beauty, did deter the criminals of their intentions?
In the case of a stop of the "light rail", "tram", "thing going on rails but it is not a train or a subway train" or as you call Portland!, Oregon (USA) seems be yes.
Authorities say vagrants, criminals, drugg addicts and men of low moral was wandering in that station terrorizing travelers. How they can stop crime, then?
The officer John Scruggs, no friend of repressive measures and used to practice in a neighborhood with little security, which had once read that in cities where public transport stops could hear classical music to prevent passengers of going tense to work .Just thought that maybe Mozart, Verdi, Puccini and all the "Pandi" could exert a beneficial influence on potential aggressors.
The funny thing is that since has installed a speaker that emits music such crimes have virtually ceased to exist. So authorities are satisfied that it is possible that the measure be implemented at other stations and stops.
What happened?, How criminals have suddenly become sensitive souls, or maybe the criminals go to other places to drink their beers, or listen to their satanic music? The truth is that we have no idea, but we fear that some day the thieves will adapt and return with all their power, but this time with sticks, vests and monoculars ... or as the band that the film "The Mechanich Orange" that of "Cubrish" ...
In the case of a stop of the "light rail", "tram", "thing going on rails but it is not a train or a subway train" or as you call Portland!, Oregon (USA) seems be yes.
Authorities say vagrants, criminals, drugg addicts and men of low moral was wandering in that station terrorizing travelers. How they can stop crime, then?
The officer John Scruggs, no friend of repressive measures and used to practice in a neighborhood with little security, which had once read that in cities where public transport stops could hear classical music to prevent passengers of going tense to work .Just thought that maybe Mozart, Verdi, Puccini and all the "Pandi" could exert a beneficial influence on potential aggressors.
The funny thing is that since has installed a speaker that emits music such crimes have virtually ceased to exist. So authorities are satisfied that it is possible that the measure be implemented at other stations and stops.
What happened?, How criminals have suddenly become sensitive souls, or maybe the criminals go to other places to drink their beers, or listen to their satanic music? The truth is that we have no idea, but we fear that some day the thieves will adapt and return with all their power, but this time with sticks, vests and monoculars ... or as the band that the film "The Mechanich Orange" that of "Cubrish" ...
miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011
Everyone wants a Geminoid!

The Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of ATR and the Tokyo firm 'Kokoro' created in 2005 the first human look robot: geminoid HI-1. A geminoid is an android designed to look exactly as its master, and is controlled by a comoputer system that replicates the facial movements of the master in the robot.
And... that is not all, in the spring of 2010, a new geminoid was created: the new robot 'Geminoid - F'. A simpler version than the original HI - 1. The second one, Geminoid - F, has a human aspect more real. However, none could be such good as the last geminoid...
Geminoid|DK will be the first the first robots of this kind outside of Japan,and with this last robot is trying to advance on android science and - as they said - pshilosophy, in searching the answers to fundamental questions, many of which had the Japanese researchers. The most importan questions are:
- What is a human?
- What is a presence?
- What is a relation?
. What is identity?
They are traying to get the answers to these questions through looking at areas such as emotional responses in their androids - the novel concept of Blended Presence - and in studyin cultural differences in the perception of robots.
He / It has some forced moves, of course, it's still shocking how the robot developers have managed to be able to make so many facial movements.
Maybe, some day, we could buy a friend, literally...
martes, 5 de abril de 2011
At the last Sunday of April, we could watch the prestigious Oscars, wich awards the best films of the last year (or it should as I say...). It seems that eventually almost every film that came out at the last 2010 has been nominated (If we took that films has been released in the US, because here always come later).
The ceremony, hosted by James Franco and Anne Hathaway - young players that are intended to give good atmosphere to it - but they didn't ahice it very well... The ceremony lasted about 3 hours, because in the end if you don't make an effort, you'll end fondled on the couch!
So... you've got here the winner list!:
Oscar for best picture: The king's speech.Oscar for best actor: Colin Firth by the king's speech.Oscar for best actress: Natalie Portman black swan.Oscar Best Director: Tom Hooper for The king's speech.Oscar for best original song 'We Belong Together' Toy Story 3.Oscar for Best Editing: Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter's network.Oscar for Best Special Effects: Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb by Source.Oscar for best documentary: Inside Job.Oscar for best short film: Luke Matheny by God Of LoveOscar for best documentary: Strangers No More.Oscar for Best Costume Design: Colleen Atwood and Alice in Wonderland.Oscar for Best Makeup: Rick Baker and Dave Elsey and The Wolfman.Oscar for best sound editor Richard King by Source.Oscar for best sound mixing: Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick by Source.Oscar for Best Original Score: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for the network.Oscar for best delivery sctor: Christian Bale in The Wrestler.Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film: In A Better World in DenmarkOscar for best original screenplay: David Seidler of King's speech.Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin for the network.Oscar for best animated movie: Toy Story 3.Oscar for Best Animated Short: The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann.Oscar for Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo for The Wrestler.Oscar for Best Cinematography: Wally Pfister by Source.Oscar for Best Art Direction: Alice in Wonderland.
There are things that are not surprising, as the undisputed triumph of 'The King's Speech', because as you can see the Oscar s was more important. It was also the night of Ntalie Portman with her Oscar as best actress - personally, I haven't seen the movie, surely she deserved it!. 'Toy Story 3' is neither other surprise, this films had just being chosen to the best animated film. The best fail is for 'Tru Grit', which with 10 nominations has not taken any award. We haven't forget the Oscars for the best supporting actos, as both have fallen on the side of ' The Fighter '.
But there are many things that can surprise me, as the award for the best sountrack. Comen on guys... the soundtrack of 'Inception' by Hans Zimmer is greater than 'The Network' - that I admit that Network's soundtrack is not bad, but you can not compare to the talent of Zimmer because everyone knows that if this man takes part in a movie, the good music is assured.
The ceremony, hosted by James Franco and Anne Hathaway - young players that are intended to give good atmosphere to it - but they didn't ahice it very well... The ceremony lasted about 3 hours, because in the end if you don't make an effort, you'll end fondled on the couch!
So... you've got here the winner list!:
Oscar for best picture: The king's speech.Oscar for best actor: Colin Firth by the king's speech.Oscar for best actress: Natalie Portman black swan.Oscar Best Director: Tom Hooper for The king's speech.Oscar for best original song 'We Belong Together' Toy Story 3.Oscar for Best Editing: Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter's network.Oscar for Best Special Effects: Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb by Source.Oscar for best documentary: Inside Job.Oscar for best short film: Luke Matheny by God Of LoveOscar for best documentary: Strangers No More.Oscar for Best Costume Design: Colleen Atwood and Alice in Wonderland.Oscar for Best Makeup: Rick Baker and Dave Elsey and The Wolfman.Oscar for best sound editor Richard King by Source.Oscar for best sound mixing: Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick by Source.Oscar for Best Original Score: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for the network.Oscar for best delivery sctor: Christian Bale in The Wrestler.Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film: In A Better World in DenmarkOscar for best original screenplay: David Seidler of King's speech.Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin for the network.Oscar for best animated movie: Toy Story 3.Oscar for Best Animated Short: The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann.Oscar for Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo for The Wrestler.Oscar for Best Cinematography: Wally Pfister by Source.Oscar for Best Art Direction: Alice in Wonderland.
There are things that are not surprising, as the undisputed triumph of 'The King's Speech', because as you can see the Oscar s was more important. It was also the night of Ntalie Portman with her Oscar as best actress - personally, I haven't seen the movie, surely she deserved it!. 'Toy Story 3' is neither other surprise, this films had just being chosen to the best animated film. The best fail is for 'Tru Grit', which with 10 nominations has not taken any award. We haven't forget the Oscars for the best supporting actos, as both have fallen on the side of ' The Fighter '.
But there are many things that can surprise me, as the award for the best sountrack. Comen on guys... the soundtrack of 'Inception' by Hans Zimmer is greater than 'The Network' - that I admit that Network's soundtrack is not bad, but you can not compare to the talent of Zimmer because everyone knows that if this man takes part in a movie, the good music is assured.
lunes, 4 de abril de 2011
Promos of 'Game of Throne'
The title of the post say almost everything. The first trailer is just a simple teaser that will show us a lot about the characters in the serie: their names, their customes, their voices and some scenes!
If you don't undertand them very well, I advise you to read the comments of the video that in some of them you will discover the more important parts.
The second one is a Making Off by the Canal+, in which the actors will tell us what they think about the footage and their own opinion of their characters. And the most important fact is: the serie will be at ours TVs in APRIL!
PS: This fact won't sound awesome, if you didn't know that the serie would be at summer... So please, pay attention!
If you don't undertand them very well, I advise you to read the comments of the video that in some of them you will discover the more important parts.
The second one is a Making Off by the Canal+, in which the actors will tell us what they think about the footage and their own opinion of their characters. And the most important fact is: the serie will be at ours TVs in APRIL!
PS: This fact won't sound awesome, if you didn't know that the serie would be at summer... So please, pay attention!
sábado, 8 de enero de 2011
I think that everyone must know to a couple of dudes that make videos and more videos on Youtube.
Well, like the all the world, but with a difference: they are awesome. Smosh is a pair of friends that since they were sixteen or fourteen years old, they have been making videos about comedy. They always have tried to get the attention of the people with the laugh. And they have achieve it.
One day, someone very important watched a video of these genious and he (or she) decided to hire them. So, nowadays, they have their own website and they make videos weekly but no like before. Now they have a team to help them, a lot of secondary characters, video editing and with stuntmen!
In conclusion, google smosh and discover all the powerfull of a young friends with a lot of free time; and now, with money:
Well, like the all the world, but with a difference: they are awesome. Smosh is a pair of friends that since they were sixteen or fourteen years old, they have been making videos about comedy. They always have tried to get the attention of the people with the laugh. And they have achieve it.
One day, someone very important watched a video of these genious and he (or she) decided to hire them. So, nowadays, they have their own website and they make videos weekly but no like before. Now they have a team to help them, a lot of secondary characters, video editing and with stuntmen!
In conclusion, google smosh and discover all the powerfull of a young friends with a lot of free time; and now, with money:
Joe Hisaishi
Today, more than a musician, I bring you a little-known composer in the Western world. But you sure have heard on of his songs. This Japanese composer born on 6th of December (1950) in Nagano. Hishaishi, at the age of 4 years (yes, it isn't a mistake, with 4 years) began playing the violind, he discovered a passion that will led him to be the highest in the Eastern culture. He has composed more than one hundred songs and soundtracks and many other arrangements for orchestra. He is linked to the Ghibli Studio since its inception, he has provided sountracks such as 'Spirited Away', 'Mononoke Pincess' and "Howl's Moving Castle. Moreover, he isn't stuck in the world of animation; then, for instance, he composed the soundtrack for "Goodbyes" (in 2008), a Japanese film directed by Yorijo Takita who won an Academy Award for Best Foreing Language Film in 2009.
With a very sharp taste, Hisaishi will shoe contemporary music with touches that remind us to the oriental style, but at no time wiil hit us too if we were not part of the globe. He has a personal preference to the piano in much ofhis work, as we can see how this is just moving into almost all his works - taking a leading role. And he also gives a great importance to the string section, but he will not ever forget the other instruments.
Here I put a song from the soundtrack that he has perform with the Ghibli Studio:
With a very sharp taste, Hisaishi will shoe contemporary music with touches that remind us to the oriental style, but at no time wiil hit us too if we were not part of the globe. He has a personal preference to the piano in much ofhis work, as we can see how this is just moving into almost all his works - taking a leading role. And he also gives a great importance to the string section, but he will not ever forget the other instruments.
Here I put a song from the soundtrack that he has perform with the Ghibli Studio:
Due Date
It seems a curse that haunts me and there is no way I can go to watch Scott Pilgrim. I was disappointed after going to the cinema and discover I caould not watch the movie because of "technical problems" with the cinema. We decided that we had walked to go to there, we was other.
The film that we chose was ' Due Date ' directed by Todd Phillips (director of some films like the popular: ' The Hangover ' ), starred by Zach Galifianakis - actor who is gaining fame through this type of comedy - and by Robert Downey Jr. ( a.k.a Stark in Iron Man).
After The Hangover (I think I repeat myself too), Todd Phillips return with a lot of strength with a beast comedy in which we are presented to Peter Highman, an architect who has carefully planned every day, a perfect life with his beatiful wife. Peter is excited about the upcoming birth of their child to be born in just five days. Peter catchesa quickly a flight from Atlanta to go as soon as possible the birth of his wife, but he will meet an obstacle that will haunt him all the way: Ethan Tremblay, a young aspiring actor, whose appearance will be the cause of all the problems for Peter ( I am not going to explai what happens, becaese it is extremely epic ). Peter lost the plane and passes to the blacklist - which is deprived the opportunity to fly. After losing his wallet and all his belongings, Peter eventually will end with Ethan, everything will result an amazing and strange adventure.
Like we find the same team that in 'The Hangover' is not surprising that we are facing to a very similar film. The plot has no secret, is the typical story where the characters have to go from point A to the poitn B in X time, so we won't find any unexpected disaster. Nor we will find a great soundtrack that put our hair up; we will listen just a pair of little songs out there and no more interesting. Of course, something that no one can't denied - and that make it a nice film - is the scenes of comedy, they are so epic that you will be rolling on the floor laughing. The stars will end in such unpredictable sitations that we can just shout: " What the ... ? "
You won't stop of laughing all the time. Be careful! Not drop de popcorn.
And I almost forget!!, the main characters will be accompanied by Sony, a dog that will surprise us because It does somethings very human. Persinally, I love the game of the ashes of the father of Ethan, who will carry in a coffee can and it will end involved in a series of catastrophic sitations (no, no, it is not a spoiler! calm down!! )
The movie lacks of a good end, because we used to see fucking atrocities and, finally, the main characters will survive... but, you cannot have everything in the life.
In a few words, it's worth watching with friends to have fun and laughing with them.
Oh, man! I had forgotten I haven't seen Scott Pilgrim yet... Danm it! I really want to watch Scott Pilgrim! (This is not a commercial .... )
The film that we chose was ' Due Date ' directed by Todd Phillips (director of some films like the popular: ' The Hangover ' ), starred by Zach Galifianakis - actor who is gaining fame through this type of comedy - and by Robert Downey Jr. ( a.k.a Stark in Iron Man).
After The Hangover (I think I repeat myself too), Todd Phillips return with a lot of strength with a beast comedy in which we are presented to Peter Highman, an architect who has carefully planned every day, a perfect life with his beatiful wife. Peter is excited about the upcoming birth of their child to be born in just five days. Peter catchesa quickly a flight from Atlanta to go as soon as possible the birth of his wife, but he will meet an obstacle that will haunt him all the way: Ethan Tremblay, a young aspiring actor, whose appearance will be the cause of all the problems for Peter ( I am not going to explai what happens, becaese it is extremely epic ). Peter lost the plane and passes to the blacklist - which is deprived the opportunity to fly. After losing his wallet and all his belongings, Peter eventually will end with Ethan, everything will result an amazing and strange adventure.
Like we find the same team that in 'The Hangover' is not surprising that we are facing to a very similar film. The plot has no secret, is the typical story where the characters have to go from point A to the poitn B in X time, so we won't find any unexpected disaster. Nor we will find a great soundtrack that put our hair up; we will listen just a pair of little songs out there and no more interesting. Of course, something that no one can't denied - and that make it a nice film - is the scenes of comedy, they are so epic that you will be rolling on the floor laughing. The stars will end in such unpredictable sitations that we can just shout: " What the ... ? "
You won't stop of laughing all the time. Be careful! Not drop de popcorn.
And I almost forget!!, the main characters will be accompanied by Sony, a dog that will surprise us because It does somethings very human. Persinally, I love the game of the ashes of the father of Ethan, who will carry in a coffee can and it will end involved in a series of catastrophic sitations (no, no, it is not a spoiler! calm down!! )
The movie lacks of a good end, because we used to see fucking atrocities and, finally, the main characters will survive... but, you cannot have everything in the life.
In a few words, it's worth watching with friends to have fun and laughing with them.
Oh, man! I had forgotten I haven't seen Scott Pilgrim yet... Danm it! I really want to watch Scott Pilgrim! (This is not a commercial .... )
Time of Eve!
Even no Jinkan, a.k.a Time of Eve, is a film of 6 OVA's collection which were realeased among the years 2008 and 2009. Moreover, this film put together all the OVA, it also adds extra material to make his comprehension easlier. Even no Jinkan take as base the three Isaac Asimov's robotic laws. We will enter in a world in which the robots are being used, mostly, as servants and slaves; the human order them all kind of work. The robots will have a halo - the unique difference among a normal human and a robot - because the robots are so achieved that it's very difficult to distinguish if someone is a human or is a robot. In this world, we will meet to Rikuo - a student of the high school who have lived all his life with bots. Sammy - an engineer that works in the family of Rikuo - has discovered an anomaly after doing many investigations, this anomaly is a sentence: "Are you enjoying the time of eve?". Riuko will find out the results of Sammy's investigations, and he will tell everything to his best friend and classmate Masaki. Together will find a strange way to a strange coffee shop. This coffee shop, called 'The Time of Eve', would be completely normal, except a fact. There is a rule in this place, an idea very simple, and idea that will change everything and will be the main theme of the film: There's no differences among humans and robots.
I think that almost everyone has heard the three-law of robotic by Isaac Asimov:
- A robot may not injure a human, being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot must obey any orders fiven to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- A robot must protect its own existene as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
If you are looking for action, you won't find it here, because the structure of the film are the conversations that the main characters will have with the customers of the bar. We won't ever know if the speakers are persons or robots. The robotss will be tied to the three laws in a way that neither Rikuo nor Masaki would can imagine, there are many interpretations of the film in which we will find obvious gaps and deep reflexions.
The characters will see that the caffee is a word completely different, as he would be in a dream in which everyone has his own rules. A dream in which everyone will be free, but they will be forced to wake up for facing the troubles of the real life. A caffee that will be the reality of the main characters, and their normal life will be an illusion from which they try to escape.
We will watch a world in that the more human are robots, who achieve the liberty in that small part of the world, because they are despised and treated like scum. Well, like everything isn't going to be pink. The film, crearly inspirated in the book 'I, Robot' bye Asimov; we'll watch that many people hate the robot because many facts, like for example, they stole the jobs. This faction is represented by the 'Ethics Committee', which promotes the separation between men and robots. This committee try to close all the places annuoncements like ' Would you eat a tomato grown by a machine? ' in which the robots are with humans for along time.
I think that almost everyone has heard the three-law of robotic by Isaac Asimov:
- A robot may not injure a human, being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot must obey any orders fiven to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- A robot must protect its own existene as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
If you are looking for action, you won't find it here, because the structure of the film are the conversations that the main characters will have with the customers of the bar. We won't ever know if the speakers are persons or robots. The robotss will be tied to the three laws in a way that neither Rikuo nor Masaki would can imagine, there are many interpretations of the film in which we will find obvious gaps and deep reflexions.
The characters will see that the caffee is a word completely different, as he would be in a dream in which everyone has his own rules. A dream in which everyone will be free, but they will be forced to wake up for facing the troubles of the real life. A caffee that will be the reality of the main characters, and their normal life will be an illusion from which they try to escape.
We will watch a world in that the more human are robots, who achieve the liberty in that small part of the world, because they are despised and treated like scum. Well, like everything isn't going to be pink. The film, crearly inspirated in the book 'I, Robot' bye Asimov; we'll watch that many people hate the robot because many facts, like for example, they stole the jobs. This faction is represented by the 'Ethics Committee', which promotes the separation between men and robots. This committee try to close all the places annuoncements like ' Would you eat a tomato grown by a machine? ' in which the robots are with humans for along time.
Hernán Casciari
Hernán Casciari (Mercedes, Buenos Aires, March 16, 1971) is a writer and journalist. He is known for his work for the union between literature and weblog, featured in blogonovela. Casciari received the First Novel Prize at the Biennial of Art in Buenos Aires (1991), with the show 'Go back up to life', and Juan Rulfo Prize (Paris 1998), 'We wash our dirty clothes". Hernán Casciari live currently in Barcelona since 2000. In Argentina he worked as managing editor of the magazine La Ventana, he was a columnist in the 'Semanario Protagonistas' and director of 'El domingo'.
Casciri's best known work on the network is: 'A fat woman's Weblog' (This weblog was the winner of the German network Deutsche Welle) It has been published on paper too, with the title: 'More respect, I'm your mother'. Hernán Casciari was also the author of "Letizia Ortiz's Diary", he wrote the first months of life of Letizia Ortiz in first person from the announcement of her engagement to the heir of the Crown of Spain.
In 2005, he was the voice of the protagonist of the TV series 'My dear Klikowsky' on Internet. At the end of September 2006 he published in Argentina and other Spanish-speaking countries his novel "Diary of a fat woman", by an South American editorial. Later, in September of 2007 he published his second book: 'Spain, you lost', released under the label Plaza & Janés.
In 2007, Hernán Casciari started a new blog about TV series in the online edition of the newspaper 'El Pais'. And in 2008, he started working at EP3 - that is the weekly supplement of 'El Pais', and he also was working at the Argentine daily 'La Nacion.
The year 2010, Casciari waived to both newspapers because of personal reasons and he began the project of a quarterly magazine: Orsai, which is distributed worldwide, and this magazine won't have advertisements. This magazine is sold at a price equal to fifteen of the major newspapers of the country of purchase. For the first edition, which will appear in January 2011, has sold a total of 10,080 copies.
- 'More respect, I'm your mother' (2005). Plaza & Janés (ISBN 84-013-3563-1)
- 'A fat woman's diary' (2006). Ed. South American. (ISBN 987-566-186-4)
- 'Spain, you lost' (2007). Plaza & Janés. (ISBN 84-013-7970-3)
- 'Spain, say alpist!' (2008). Ed. Sudamericana. (ISBN 978-950-072-947-5)
- 'The guy who ruined the photos' (2009). Plaza & Janés. (ISBN 84-013-8973-3)
- 'The new paradise for the fools' (2010). Plaza & Janés. (ISBN 978-84-01-33765-99)
viernes, 7 de enero de 2011
Plot summary of Alien
-Film title (original and Spanish version): Alien/Alien: El octavo pasajero
-Release date (year):1979 -Directed by: Ridley Scott
-Starring (main cast members and roles):
Tom Skerrit as Dallas
Sigourney Weaver as Ripley
Veronica Cartwright as Lambert
Harry Dean Stanton as Brett
John Hurt as Kane
Ian Holm as Ash
Yaphet Kotto as Parker
-Distributed by: Brandywine Productions
-Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi
-Plot summary: A mining ship land on a foreign planet looking for a strange SOS call, the ship’s company is involved in a story of horror, when a creature of the planet enter in the ship and a series of murders begins.
The partners have to fight for surviving. They will improvise weapons and they will betray their partners if it’s necessary.
jueves, 6 de enero de 2011
Plot summary of The Last Airbender
-Film title (original and Spanish version): The Last Airbender
-Release date (year): 2010 -Directed by: M.Night Shyamalan
-Starring (main cast members and roles):
Noah Ringer as Aang
Dev Patel as Prince Zuko
Nicola Peltz as Katara
Jackson Rathbone as Sokka
Shaun Toub as Uncle Iroh
-Distributed by: Paramount pictures
-Genre: Action
-Plot summary: Two siblings (Kata and Sokka) find a person frozen in a huge block of ice under the water. The small sister – Katara – breaks the ice and she causes to wake the frozen person: the Avatar, Aang, who is the last airbender. The resurrection of the avatar is very important to the whole world, because (while the avatar was sleeping) the nation of the fire try to dominate all the other nations. Thus, Aang together with his new two friends (Katara and Sokka) will fight to the cruel fire nation that has taken the control of a lot of villages, ruling with tirany.
So, the story of the last airbender shows us the power of the friendship, sacrificing themselves in a many situations.
Plot summary of Fullmetal Jacket
-Film title (original and Spanish version): Fullmetal Jacket
-Release date (year):1987 -Directed by: Stanley Kubrick
-Starring (main cast members and roles):
Matthew Modine as Pvt./Sargeant James T. (“The Joker”).
Vincent D’Onofrio as Leonard Lawrence ( “Gomer Pyle”)
R. Lee Ermey as Sgt. Hartman
Arliss Horward as Pvt./Sgt. Evans (“Cowboy”)
Adam Baldwin as “Animal Mother”
Kevyn Major Howard as “Rafter Man”
-Distributed by: (e.g. Columbia Pictures/Warner Bros./Paramount)
Warnes Bros Pictures.
-Genre: Belic reflecion
-Plot summary:
The story begins in Parris Island where marine recruits must endure a lot of insults, humiliation and abuse of sergeant Hartman during the period of instruction. On the eve of his graduation the recruit Gomer Pyle shot the instructor Hartman in front of horrified Joker before Gomer Pyle committed a suicide. On the second part of the film, Joker is assigned to the press squadron with his new partner Rafterman for making a documental of the Vietnam war. In the ruins of Huê, the squadron of the Joker and his colleagues fight in that city until they must face a sniper. This character kill almost all the members of the group, but Joker find the sniper and he discover a Vietnamese girl. Joke can’t shoot her because his weapon is jammed, but Rafterman appear and shoot down the sniper.
miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011
First person shooter on real life.
In a moment of our lifes, everyone has played to the video games. That kind of games which take you, and you start to forget your real life. But it wouldn't be a problem if the video game would be the real life!
That's the idea that the guys of freddiew have had. Thus, they have taken a lot of toy weapons, a pair of cameras, a lot of dudes with free time. And let's play!
The video is based on the game Call of Duty, a video game very popular because its online mode. The most popular among the all online games, a kind of trend in the video games - every game has one - so if you have played to this kind of first person shooter game; you'll enjoy it a sight more.
And it is the result of the boredom and the actual video editing.
That's the idea that the guys of freddiew have had. Thus, they have taken a lot of toy weapons, a pair of cameras, a lot of dudes with free time. And let's play!
The video is based on the game Call of Duty, a video game very popular because its online mode. The most popular among the all online games, a kind of trend in the video games - every game has one - so if you have played to this kind of first person shooter game; you'll enjoy it a sight more.
And it is the result of the boredom and the actual video editing.
martes, 4 de enero de 2011
The officials in the state of Arkansas are looking for what could have caused that more than one thousand black birds to fall and die from the sky.
The Game and Fish Arkansas Comission said that they start receiving the first reports about the dead birds about the 23.30 Friday night, in the town of Beebe.
The ornithologist of the Comission, Karen Rowe, says the birds showed a physical trauma and she added: "The birds could have been hit by a lightning or a high-altitude hail", but she can't garantee anything.
The Comission says the birds could have dead by the fireworks, the New Year's Eve when every one celebrated it with a party and making noise; maybe the pressure of the new year killed these birds.
Robby King, wildlife inspector of the company, collected 65 dead birds to take them to the laboratories of Livestock and Poultry State Comission and the National Health Center of Wildlife in Wisconsin.
Similar phenomena have been reported in more places, said Karen Rowe, who assured that the tests are not usually conclusive. The expert announced that she doubted that the black birds were poisoned.
The Game and Fish Arkansas Comission said that they start receiving the first reports about the dead birds about the 23.30 Friday night, in the town of Beebe.
The ornithologist of the Comission, Karen Rowe, says the birds showed a physical trauma and she added: "The birds could have been hit by a lightning or a high-altitude hail", but she can't garantee anything.
The Comission says the birds could have dead by the fireworks, the New Year's Eve when every one celebrated it with a party and making noise; maybe the pressure of the new year killed these birds.
Robby King, wildlife inspector of the company, collected 65 dead birds to take them to the laboratories of Livestock and Poultry State Comission and the National Health Center of Wildlife in Wisconsin.
Similar phenomena have been reported in more places, said Karen Rowe, who assured that the tests are not usually conclusive. The expert announced that she doubted that the black birds were poisoned.
domingo, 2 de enero de 2011
Jamie Cullum
Here we have a music a recommendation for the Jazz lovers, here we have to Jamie Cullum. He borned the 20th of August in 1979, in Ramford (England). He's a very popular Jazz musician whose career started in the bars and cocktail locals of his hometown. The true Cullum's music career, for us to understand, started when he was at the university (he studied cinema and english literature) with the group: Jamie Cullum Trio. with whom he played a lot of concerts and they recorded their first album: Heard it All Before (in 1999). Even tough few copies of this first album were made, he reached to get attetion, thus he managed a contract with the discography Universal Records in 2003. Later, he sold 850.000 copies with Twentysomething his first album with this record company. Even, in 2008, he played a theme in the famous film Gran Torino - a film that everyone must watch before die.
In my point of view, I love his Jazz music in which the piano has such prominence, and yes! I know that it's a personal preference. But particullary, I think that a Jazz can be considered a very good Jazz if you can use all the elements of the oldschool and make with them this kind of music, fashioned, new and original, as Cullum does.
Below, I put you two videos of this great artist, if you like it, please, look for more and more songs of Jamie Cullum.
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